Pyro Shows

Document + ID Upload Center

Welcome Pyrotechnicians!  If you are new to the team, then you might want to reference some of the information on this page.  If you’ve done this before, then proceed to the bottom part of the page and begin submitting your documents.

Pyro Shows requires a color photo copy (or smartphone picture) of your driver’s license.  The quickest and easiest way to submit us a photo of your driver’s license is to snap a photo with your smartphone.  All of the information needs to be legible and the photo needs to somewhat resemble you.  For tips on submitting your license photo, read below…


• Take the photo in landscape so your license fills the screen.

• Make sure the lighting is good so the information is easily readable.

• Sometimes the flash can create a bright reflection, so try with the flash off first.

• The photo should be a minimum of 1 MB.  If asked, select large or original size.

• Please do not use filters to “enhance” the image.

In addition to a license photo, the I-9 form requires one additional form of identification.  This can be with a US Passport, Social Security card, or certified birth certificate.  How do you know if your birth certificate if certified?  Look for your State’s seal somewhere.  Notice the photo on the right has a seal on the certificate.  The state seal is located in the bottom right hand corner.  The seal may not be in the same exact spot for all states.  As long as it is visible, then you are OK. Of course, the same rules apply to taking a good smartphone photo of your second form of ID. If we can’t read it, we can’t use it.

Document + ID Upload Form