Pyro Shows


What are Tech Tips?

The Pyro Shows video series, “Tech Tips”, began in September 2021 and continues to drop new knowledge each and every month. The goal is to educate our techs on the most important information in under a single minute! Why a minute? We know you are busy and have lives to live, so 60 seconds seems reasonable to us.

Check out the video archive below.  We bet that you might learn something that you pretended to know but actually didn’t know…it’s alright, we’ve all done it…

ⓘ Have an idea for an upcoming TECH TIP? Let us know and your request just might make the cut. Contact Chris Honeycutt directly to submit your request.


ⓘ It’s easier to navigate the videos directly on the Vimeo page itself. Click here to go to Vimeo…